Custody Evaluation Continuing Education Home Study Course
10 Continuing Education Credits for Psychologists by completing
a correspondence course
using the book by Dr. Barry Bricklin and Dr. Gail Elliot:
How To Structure And Write Custody Evaluation Reports
Everything you need to know about structuring
and writing a custody evaluation report
Purchase the course (with or without
the book) by checking off the proper item on the Order Form.
The test is objective--multiple choice. Take as long as you
like to complete the test. All questions are based on the book.
When completed, return the "Answer Book." If you score
under 80% you are asked to redo the incorrect questions. Once
completed, the certificate is sent to you promptly--even faxed
if extra speed is needed.
10 CE Credits
Village Publishing Child Custody Seminars (VPCCS) is approved by the Professional Academy of Custody Evaluators (PACE) to sponsor continuing education for mental health professionals. Village Publishing Child Custody Seminars (VPCCS) maintains responsibility for the program and its contents. Mental health professionals from every state and every mental health specialty have received continuing education credits for this home study course based on the specific internal criteria established by their governing bodies. 3.5 hours of continuing education shall be counted for ethics where an ethics requirement shall exist.